Ein Eshkaf
Ein Eshkaf is one of the most hidden springs in the Jerusalem Mountains.
It takes more than just a map to find it: it requires a sixth sense...
The spring is situated about 500m to the south-west of Even-Sapir, in the
shore of the waddi. A big tree of Ela is hiding the spring under it, bushes
from all sides prevent it from beeing seen, so the little pool is all in
shadow. It is really a nice thing to see. Once there were also golden fishes
in the pool, but it seems that the natural habitat is composed of too many
wild animals to let the poor fishes live...
How to get there:
Drive to Jerusalem and ask for Even-Sapir - or:
Before Jerusalem turn right in Mevaseret, and keep right for about 5km. You'll
get to a roung plaza, turn there right. In the next T-junction, turn right
again, and then left. You will see, before Hadassa, a right turn to Even
Sapir. From there, just follow the map...
In the last spring I found a large area of the outstanding orchideas, and
they can be seen in the picture.
More details about finding the spring can be found at my place...